Do I have opinions? Oh Yeah! If you don't want to hear them move on, change sites or turn off your freakin' computer!
My first opinion is that as far as presidential nominees we don't have any great choices. BUT, When it comes to voting we must vote the lesser of the two evils, you might say. You vote according to your own values. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ. We have a living Prophet to guide us. I have followed the prophets "religiously" although not perfectly. I believe the family is the basic social unit and needs to be preserved as far as we have the power. I believe that abortion is wrong and the founding fathers of our nation expected us to work for what we earn and use our faith and prayers to get the guidance or inspiration to guide us in our decisions. I'm amazed by the young, up and coming professionals that are flaunting signs for someone who wants to instigate socialism. We are a few short steps from communism people! I am certainly not an expert on history or government but it seems that many are thinking socialism is a good idea. Now that I'm middle aged I see that as a major down-fall to my future. For those of us that plan ahead now there are some that want to take the decision making away from us. From what I've seen the government has never been the best at making decisions for us. Which leads me to a great e-mail I got the other day written by Orson Scott Card calling journalists onto the carpet for lying about the whole Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac debacle which allowed people that couldn't afford homes to take risks they couldn't afford to take and putting them in worse financial situations than they were in. Now Bush gets the blame cause he's the one that was around to clean it up. It was started under the Clinton administration and has cycled through feeding on our greed for more till it has almost undone us. We are definitely seeing the "Pride Cycle" in these days.
I have a client that goes to the state Legislature and he says that most of the Representatives are in it for their own causes. I'm also disappointed in our Governor so blast 'em all and start over! However I looked at the Judges up for re-seating and one is a Judge whose courtroom I have sat in on and she is a great Juvenile judge so she stays.
The prophecy about the constitution hanging by a thread looms over us and is closer than ever. I'm just amazed how Satan has gotten hold of the "very elect" in the choices made across the country. God bless us all. One question. How will they redistribute my food storage?
13 years ago
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