I read a blog recently that wasn't about food storage but about organizing.
This cute girl was organizing her pantry. It was nice and only a little better than mine but smaller. She was giddy over her storage feeling very blessed to have so much food in the house. Not to be outdone!!!!! I did my own comparison. This is enough to keep us going for a long time.
The bottom section of the above picture is food storage cans two deep, labeled!
My storage room downstairs has ALL the staples:
And emergency equipment!
I have a cold storage room with MANY cans of beans, rice, wheat, oats, milk, sugar and flour.
One wall has flour, oil, condiments, veggies, tuna, cake and brownie mixes, boxed pasta and stuffing, soup and a plastic box with chocolate chips and brown sugar.
We have enough brownie mixes to give the whole neighborhood a sugar high for a month!
I'm sure we would last a very long time. If I by chance have a reader that has never had a prophet of God tell them to get a years supply of food they might think us a little eccentric. This is the best insurance policy I have ever purchased and I use everything we store. I even learned how to make sweetened condensed milk out of powdered milk! I am officially smart!
We have not one box less than TWENTY boxes of hot chocolate packages and I still go berserk when my kids drink it. It's a special treat! I hoard the stuff but wont let anyone drink it, unless it's especially cold, or a special day or a very special treat. WACKY!
If times get bad we're eating better! (we might be allowed a cup of hot chocolate ; ) )
So Sara (blogger) I may not be super organized, don't judge me, but I have a lot of very delicious and very useful food and emergency supplies.
If the big one hits we are trekkin' it pioneer style over to your house!
Our food storage is decent. Definitely not a year supply, but we could survive for a few months. The hardest thing for me is that we stock up on an item and then I think we're good to go forever. I always get surprised when we run out and I have to stock up again.
And I don't know how to make sweetened condensed milk out of powdered milk. Does that mean I am officially dumb?!? :(
MMMMM....I do so love your food storage!:) Yeah, I think i'm with Joni. If something happens we'll just make it up to your place! You even have diapers, so we're good to go!:)
You are so smart! We have about a 3 month supply... it is so hard to try and have more than that in a little apartment though. There isn't anywhere to put it! I'll have to get some advice from you next time I come in... Good job though! And that looks pretty darn organized to me!
Joni, you don't have to be smart or dumb, silly, I just know more now! Before I was just in there somewhere being kind of smart, now it's official.
Mandi, I'm sure your parents can cover you for the next few months if neccessary. We didn't do much while we were "transient".
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