Ok, so I know college students are not known for their cleaning skills but really, this is what B's apartment looked like yesterday!
This is the new sky light in his hallway. Unfortunately it doesn't meet building codes nor would it protect from cold Cache Valley weather.
The stairs were a mess as well. But, I think those boots belong to a professional. I think he's enforcing evacuation.
B Just moved into his new apartment. The bed had bedbugs so he had to get the mattress swapped and got a plastic sheet to protect him from existing conditions. He had just settled in and had roommates he liked and former roommates and friends next door. He decided not to go camping with them because he was going 4-wheeling with his Dad, brother and Grandpa so he sat home alone watching a movie in his shorts and no shoes. The fire alarm went off next door but upon walking out onto the balcony the alarm sounded distant so he gave it no more thought. The apartment manager took it seriously and entered the apartment but realized the fire extinguisher was not enough and told Braden to call 911 and evacuate the building. Of course, his shoes were upstairs and he wasn't going up for them. By the time the firemen got done there was insulation on everything including his bed.
The fire started in his neighbors bathroom ceiling. One of the guys left the bathroom fan on and it overheated and started a fire in the attic (third floor). This was actually the neighbors bathroom with the offending blackened fan on the toilet. Imagine retrieving your things out of this mess. They all did.
This is the new ventilated ceiling in B's hallway next to his bedroom.
And some charred trusses.
Last week he was homeless because he had to be out of Old Farm on Saturday and couldn't move into this place until Monday. He was there 4 nights. 20 units, all evacuated, only 2 were uninhabitable. Of course, his is one.
The ironic thing is that he got hired at a new job as a bank teller that requires a week of training in Salt Lake so he was going to spend a week with a friend there.
This weekend has been spent washing EVERYTHING that could absorb smoke. The washer and dryer has run constantly for 24 hours. B doesn't know where he is going to live but right now he needs to concentrate on starting a new job. If he gets desperate he can stay with Grandparents or Aunt and Uncle. It's good to have options.
Clearly that isn't the apartment for him. Good luck on finding a new place.
Wow! I was wondering what happened? I saw all the firetrucks and everything! At least he is safe!
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