I've been trying to spend any available time with my family so we got together twice this week!
These are the favorite cousins M&E with CJ. M is only a month younger than CJ but has always been tiny and CJ has always been big!
At birth CJ was 24" long and 10 lb 9 oz and M was 18" 5 lb 15 oz
They have always been close although opposites in almost every way.
We went to a park that had a splash pad and let the "little" kids play.
I think 5'10" CJ enjoyed it more than any.
HEY! How did this get in here? That's not mine. That is Daren's new toy that he has saved for for years. He found it for sale in Las Vegas
and flew down Thursday, bought it and drove it home.
Now here is Rad!
He is the funniest kid on the planet.
My sister S and her Youngest daughter El
I love hanging out with my sisters but one has self esteem issues. If she's not dolled up for pictures she would rather make ugly faces so here are my sisters, J and S at the park.
These cousins are also close they are J and S daughters.
After an afternoon of boating and swimming the girls were happy to sit in the shade
and just eat and play. This is K, E and M.
We celebrated Rad's fourth birthday at the lake and we had spiderman cupcakes
This is J's husband and baby. He is the most hands on Dad.
After working long long days he still spent all day playing with kids
near the water and taking care of baby E.
(I managed to get in some baby time myself)
My guys, D and B were there but D was driving the boat all day so we all
could ski and tube and play. He was tired when we left but went all day.
He is the greatest!
B had a few good runs on the wake board and CJ is getting good too!
Lots of fun in the sun and no bad sunburns! A really good day!