Ok, that was weird, I kind of expected my family to respond but nooooo. My good friends and customers. That is really funny. Ok Linda, these books were suggested by my sister and I think I told you about them.
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
This book takes place in Afghanistan in the 80's I believe. It's a great history and culture lesson but sad. It makes one think about the purpose of your own life. I would give it a 3 1/2 of 5 because I like happy. Very well written and I learned a lot. Be grateful for our lives!
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
A book my sister learned of by association with the author on a writers blog. Well written, a book of unmet possibilities. 4
Then I still had the ride home and nothing to read so I picked up Eternal on the Water by Joseph Monninger in the airport. Easy read, thought provoking. I remembered to be grateful for every minute I have with those I love and my associations with people who inspire me and make me happy. also a 4 maybe even a plus.
I am a people person and love to be with people. I am motivated by people. My house doesn't get clean unless someone is coming over. I love to meet new people which is why I love my job. Anyway, more tidbits later!