Yeah, it's time to update but I have little to say. I run and run and get nowhere but I did have an interesting thing happen recently. I have some really good employees right now but all in their 20's (for the most part) This is a turbulent time of life and as life changes so do feelings and opinions. I've had one girl that has started complaining and has a crappy attitude so she decided to go to another salon. It's a brand new salon with a very young owner/manager. She had a recent beauty school graduate telling her how to do her colors and a manager that wouldn't back her up when her color product didn't work as it should and several other stories she related to me. Of course if she was telling me this she was not happy where she was and was back asking for her job back. She is the reason I worked every day during the holidays. She only works Friday and Saturday but I usually take Friday's off and was unable to for a month. So the morals of the story are: The grass is not always greener on the other side. Look at your own life and decide if the feelings you are having are from your own choices. (In this case, spiritual and emotional) and No one is going to make you happy all the time. We have to put up with others personalities and quirks in any situation.
I also got another new employee that is busy most of the time. She's a very nice girl and works the schedule I need but she sure doesn't open up much. I hope she works out. It's a constant change mostly because we get young girls whose lives are in the changing mode. I have always known I need to be around people to be fulfilled and this is where I get the most interaction. I come home tired and happy after a busy day.
I'm looking forward to this week. I'm taking some time off and even going to play "Grandma" for a day. Next week Daren will be out of town so it will be a little tough but we've done it before (when I had to work late every day) and we'll do it again.